IPSS Arteriopathy Classification Webtool

Causative Classification for Pediatric Cerebral Arteriopathy

Principal Investigators: Heather J. Fullerton and Max Wintermark
Webtool Program and Design: Anjini Karthik, Computer Science 2020, Stanford University

STATUS: Under development, testing and validation
FUNDING: NIH-NINDS, R01 and Marc and Lynne Benioff Pediatric Stroke Research Fund

Please click here for the IPSS Arteriopathy Classification Webtool

Developed by UCSF Pediatric Stroke and Cerebrovascular Research Group and Stanford Neuroradiology

Disclaimer: This product is in the research phase of development and has not been demonstrated to be safe or effective for clinical use. Accordingly, it is labeled "For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures." Any use of this product and the associated information is for research only and not for a diagnostic, therapeutic, or other clinical purpose.